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/* Credit to the MovieStarPlanet wiki ( and Five Nights at Freddy's wiki ( */ 
/* Cursor */
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/* SnowGem */
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/* End SnowGem */

/* AbsolTheHiroPone */
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/* End AbsolTheHiroPone */

/* Pixdeen */
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content: "Is an Itten";
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content: "Is an Itten";
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/* End Pixdeen */

/* DinoBunnies */
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padding: 0 1px;

/* End DinoBunnies */

/* Designer TayTay */
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/* End Designer TayTay  */

/* Clickyourheart */
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/* End Clickyourheart */

/* Plattenum  */
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/* End Plattenum */

/* Addfire the kawaii potato XD feel free to change any of this */
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content:"potato person";
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border-radius: 4px;
padding: 0 5px;
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content: "potato person";
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padding: 0 5px;
/* End the kawaii potato Addfire  */ 

/* 3x Gallexii 3x */
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content: "hey, you there  ";
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/* End 3x Gallexii 3x */

/* AnnTookYourManxox */
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/* End PetStarPlanet */

/* Zelda and Link aka also PetStarPlanet aka testing */

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/* End Zelda and Link */

/* I'm sorry, lol. Just tell me if you want this changed. */
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/*Random Color*/
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/*No more Random Color.*/

/* Paige */
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/* LlamacornsXD */
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/* End of LlamacornsXD */

/* Myeeek */
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/* Chengsha */
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/* Cheetos7 */
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/* Adorehoon */
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